Early Renaissance in Northern Europe - Flemish Oil Painting - Robert Campin

4 important questions on Early Renaissance in Northern Europe - Flemish Oil Painting - Robert Campin

Who was the Master of Flémalle, when did he live and what are his most important works?

  • Alias of Robert Campin, who was a painterand member of both the Tournai painters' guild and city council.
  • He lived from ca. 1375-1444.
  • His most important work is the Mérode Altarpiece (1426).

  • What is he name of this triptych?
  • When and by whom was it painted?
  • Why was this painting so innovative (2 reasons)?

  • Meróde Altarpiece.
  • Painted around 1426 by Robert Campin (Master of Flémalle).
  • Innovative because:
    • It has illusions of texture and atmosphere because of the innovative use of Oil paint instead of (only) egg tempora, that was favored in the middle ages.
    • First known painting  where the Annunciation is depicted in a middle class Flemish home, instead of the usual church or holy realm.
      • I.e., Traditional religious subjects being combined with an accurate oberservation of daily life.

  • With what paint is this triptych made?
  • What do we see on this triptych?
  • How does the style it reflect its time.

  • Campin used a mixed technique, using egg tempera for the underpainting and proceeding immediately to paint over it in oil.
  • It depict the Annunciation taking place in a middle class, 15th century Flemish home.
  • The painting still echoes medieval conventions (large size Mary & Gabriel), but combines this with a matter-of-fact attention to details and reality (which we see in the Renaissance).
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What is so interesting about the details in the works of Robert Campin (1375-1444)?

Every detail could carry iconographic or symbolic implications.

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