20th century Modern Art - Pre World War 20th century - Cubism

4 important questions on 20th century Modern Art - Pre World War 20th century - Cubism

Cubism can be subdivided in roughly 3 different types. Which types?

  • Proto-Cubism (ca.1906-1910).
    • Experimental/exploratory phase of Cubism.
  • Analytical Cubism (ca.1908-1911/12).
  • Synthetic Cubism (ca.1912-1914).

Which two artists are most associated with Cubism, and sometimes also referred to as the "Inventors of Cubism?"

  • Pablo Picasso (1881-1973).
  • Georges Braque (1882-1963).

What is Analytical Cubism?

  • Analytical Cubism is one of the 3 broad Cubism types, and the first of the two real Cubism types.
  • Ca. 1908-1911/12.
  • Goal was: the analyzation and fragmentation of objects.
    • More abstractions occurs through fragmentary appearance of multiple viewpoints and overlapping planes.
    • Simplified, muted, palette of colors, because color could only disstract from what's important: the structure of the form.
    • Themes: Stil lifes and the human figure.
    • Perspective is completely gone.
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What is the difference between Papiers Collés and Collages?

  • Papiers Collés is a type of collage, that exists of pasting paper.
  • Collages can exist of other materials as well.

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