20th century Modern Art - Interbellum - Dadaism

5 important questions on 20th century Modern Art - Interbellum - Dadaism

What was the philosophy of the Dadaists?

  • They wanted to destroy the values of society that had led to the First World War.
  • They believed that the Western society, that was built on logic, reason, and scientific progress, had completely failed.

What can you tell about the Dada Manifesto of Tristan Tzara, in 1918?

  • One of many Manifestos about Dadaism.
  • Shows the nihilistic approach of dadaism.
  • Basically says, everything is absurd and that's why it's interesting.

What can you tell about Dadaist literature?

  • Dadaist poetry is completely nonsensical.
    • Words of pieces of words in different fonts and different style, put together on a paper. (Everything is absurds, that's why it's interesting).
  • No feelings, no thoughts, just random letters.
    • Even spelling and grammar didn't matter anymore.
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Which artist is most associated with Dadaism?

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), famous for his Readymades.

Why isn't Dadaism a Postmodernist movement?

Although it shares a lot of the believes of Postmodernism, Dadaism is too early to be categorized as Postmodern.

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