20th century Modern Art - The First World War - End of

4 important questions on 20th century Modern Art - The First World War - End of

When and how did WW1 end?

  • WW1 ended at 11:00 AM, on November 11th, 1918.
  • The War ended with an armistice, which is not the same as a peace.

Which significant event, which was also one of the key factors for the armistice and end of WW1, happend in 1918-1920,

  • The influenza pandemic (1918-1920).
    • Also called the Spanish Flu.
  • Infected 1/3 of the total global population.
    • Millions of casualties.

What can you tell about the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?

  • Representatives of Germany signed a peace treaty in Versailles.
    • Peace without victory.
    • Germany humiliated and had to pay a enormous amounts of money to France and Brittain.
  • This sowed the seeds for what was to become WW2.
    • The sentiment in Germany was that they didn't lose the war, and felt betrayed by the Weimar Republic's government that let Germany be humiliated by the Allied forces.
    • War wasn't fought in Germany and propaganda news was quite optimistic about the war during WW1 in Germany.
      • -->  Few witnesses of the horror of WW1 in Germany, did not know that they were losing.
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What can you tell about the Weimar Republic.

  • Name for Germany from 1918-1933.
  • Established after the German Revolution of 1918-1919.
  • Germany became a republic and got rid of its emperor.
  • Ended in 1933 when Adolf Hitler took over.

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