Interbellum - Architecture - The International Style

7 important questions on Interbellum - Architecture - The International Style

What is The International Style?

  • Modernist architectural style (1930-1970).
  • Main ideas:
    • Functionalism (form follows function).
    • Rectilinear and 'clean".
    • No decorations, no organic shapes.
      • Opposite style to Art Nouveau.
    • No references to architectural traditions.
      • I.e., Modernists breaking with past.
  • Characteristics:
    • Use of new materials (Steel, concrete).
    • Build higher & larger.
    • Build faster.
    • Aesthetic/visual benefits.
    • Create better working/living environments.

To whom do we attribute the quote: "Less is more" and "God is in the details?"

  • Modernist architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969).

Why is this German Pavilion (better known as the Barcelona Pavilion), by Ludwig Meis van der Rohe (1886-1969) a perfect example the International Style?

  • No symmetry (away from the past).
  • Abstraction:
    • Lot of white.
    • Flat, rectangular areas.
      • No organic shapes.
    • 'Clean'.
  • Design is equally important.
    • Barcelona chair.
  • Use of new materials.
    • Lot of glass.
    • Metal, concrete.
  • No decorations. 
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What can you tell about this CANON building?

  • Villa Savoye, by Le Corbusier.
  • Made 1928-1931, in Poissy.
  • Modernist architecture, the International Style.
  • Perfect example for Le Corbusier's "Les Cinq Points."
  • Modernist/ the International Style:
    • Functionalism.
      • Machine à habiter.
    • Abstraction ('clean').
      • White.
      • Flat, rectangular shapes (no organic).
    • New materials:
      • Concrete.
      • Metal.
    • No decorations.
    • No references to architectural traditions.
  • In CANON:
    • International style.
    • Modernist architecture.

What doe you know about Les Cinq Points.

  • Sort of manifesto for Modernist architecture by Le Corbusier.
    • Corbusier points out 5 points for standardised architecture, that every building needs in its core.
    • Sort of skeleton for every building, so they can be build faster and  have a more homogeneous design.
  • Points are:
    • Les Pilotis.
      • The pillars.
    • Le toit-jardin.
      • Rooftop garden.
    • Le plan libre.
      • No walls, you can choose how you want to design them.
    • La façade libre.
      • Liberty for design of the front, you can do whatever you like.
    • La fenêtre en longeur.
      • Long ribbon windows, possible because of the skeleton design of the building.

Although clearly influenced by it, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was not a fan of the International Style.
What is the difference between his designs and the designs of architects from the International Style?

  • Frank Lloyd Wright did not like the International Style's idea of Machine à habiter.
    • Wanted to make buildings more than just a "machine."
    • Connected buildings with nature for instance (Villa Fallingwater).
  • Called his work "Organic architecture."
    • Building organically designed from the environment.
  • Mostly made very expensive villas for only the rich.
    • Standardized architect was for a broad audience.

Who designed this building, and why is it a great example of Modernist architecture, in particular that of the International Style.

  • Academy Building Bauhaus, designed by Walter Gropius.
  • Builtin 1925, Dessau.
  • Moderist because:
    • Breaking with the past.
      • Throw everything people like about buildings out of the window (pointy roof, symmetry).
    • Abstraction:
      • Not much colors, lot of white.
      • Straight lines, flat areas.
  • International Style:
    • Higer/larger building.
    • New materials.
      • Metal and concrete.
    • Functionalism.
    • Utopian: Build better buildings to make people happier.
  • Bauhaus' connection with "De Stijl."
    • Mondriaan translated to architecture.

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