Baroque Outside Italy - Literature - Miguel de Carvantes

3 important questions on Baroque Outside Italy - Literature - Miguel de Carvantes

What can you tell about Miguel de Cervantes.

Miguel de Carvantes (1548-1616) was a Spanish writer, most famous for his picaresque novel Don Quixote.

What do you know about Don Quixote?

  • Most famous picaresque novel ever made.
  • Written by Miguel de Cervantes between 1603-1615 in the Baroque age.
  • About a man, who is noble and a buffoon at the same time, who wants to become a knight errant, like his heroes he read so much about.
  • First time in Western literature, the novel represents the conflict between reality and imagination.

In Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes, what Don Quixote sees and what is the truth are two entirely different things.
Which examples in the novel illustrate this statement?

  • His horse is "all skin and bones," but in his eyes, it's a noble "steed".
  • He sees the peasant boy who accompanies him, Sancho Panza, as his "squire".
  • His lady the lovely Dulcinea, is actually one Aldonza Lorenzo, who "never knew or was aware of" his love for her.
  • Most famous of all, the giants he fights are actually windmills.

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