20th century Modern Art - The Cold War - Abstract Expressionism

4 important questions on 20th century Modern Art - The Cold War - Abstract Expressionism

What do you know about Action Painting?

  • One of the 3 Abstract Expressionism styles in the USA.
    • ca. 1940-1960.
    • Also called Gesture Painting.
  • No composition, pure improvisation.
    • ALL OVER COMPOSITION: their is no focal point anymore, every piece of the canvas is as important.
  • Dripping technique.
    • Dripping paint on the canvas (Pollock).
    • Scale is important, had to be on a large scale in order for it to work.
  • Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) is one of the most important artists.

What do you know about Colorfield Painting?

  • One of the 3 styles of Abstract Expressionism.
  • About the expressive possibilities of color.
    • Central: the relationship between the canvas and the artist.
  • Characteristics:
    • Large areas of (flat) color.
    • Large format canvasses.
    • All over composition.
    • Meditation Fields.

What do you know about Hard Edge Painting?

  • One of the three Abstract Expressionism styles.
  • Considered the second generation of Abstract Expressionists.
    • They're less romantic.
  • Characteristics:
    • They have hard edges in their paintings.
    • Abrupt transition between areas of color.
      • Very sharp edges between their colors.
      • No vague transition between colors.
    • Integrate the shape of the canvas into the work.
      • The shape determines the work, not the other way around.
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What do you know about this CANON painting?

  • Ophir, by Frank Stella.
  • Painted ca. 1960-61.
  • Hard Edge Painting.
    • Abrupt transitions between colors, no vague transition.
    • Integrating the shape of the canvas into the work.
    • Create an optical effect.
  • Stella makes the transition from painting as an illusionist depiction of something, to being an object.
    • Already announcing Minimal Art.
  • Abstract Expressionism:
    • New form of Abstraction.
    • Art as spontaneous mean of expressing the artist's feeligns.
  • In CANON:
    • Hard Edge Painting.
    • Announcing Minimal Art.

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