Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy - High Renaissance

7 important questions on Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy - High Renaissance

What can you tell about the High Renaissance?

  • The High Renaissance begins around 1485-1490 in Italy and lasted only one generation.
  • The focus shifted from Florence to Rome, due to the wealth and power of the popes.
    • Rome became the city in which Classicism and Christianity converged (the 2 major national traditions at the time).
  • In the High Renaissance, artists and authors built on the interests of their Early Renaissance predecessors, by perfecting some of the Early Renaissance ideas, as well as developing new ones.
  • High Renaissance ends either with Raphael's death in 1520 or the sack of Rome in 1527.

There are two different events that are often picked as the endpoint of the High Renaissance in the 16th century.
Which 2 are we talking about and why can they be seen as the endpoint?

  • The death of Raphael in 1520.
    • This painter is regarded to epitomize the Renaissance style.
  • The sacking of Rome in 1527 by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (in Germany).
    • Because of this event, many artists fled Rome and spread throughout Europe.

What major event happened in 1520?

  • The death of painter Rapheal.
  • This can be seen as the end of the High Renaissance.
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What major event happened in 1527?

  • Rome was sacked by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (in Germany).
  • Many artists fled the city and spread, along with their ideas, throughout Europe.
  • This can be seen as the end of the High Renaissance.

How did Rome become the center of the High Renaissance?

  • Pope Nicholas V, who had many ties to Florentine humanists, set out to make the Vatican as a new sacred city.
  • Nicolas V began to assemble a massive classical library and ordered scholars to translate ancient texts to vernacular Italian.
  • By 1508 the Vatican library was said to be the "image" of Plato's Academy in ancient Athens.
  • Archaeological discoveries in Rome of the antiquity further cemented its position as the center of the High Renaissance.

Who was Properzia de' Rossi?

  • Properzia de' Rossi (1490-1530) was an Italian female sculptor of the High Renaissance.
  • Mostly famous for her miniatures, but she also sculpted on a large scale.
  • Her work shows a sense of animation.
  • Among her most famous works is Joseph and Potiphar's Wife.

Who were the two most influential writers of the Italian High Renaissance and where did they write about?

  • Writers:
    • Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529).
    • Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527).
  • Both wrote about the ideal model of a man in the Renaissance.
    • Both had a radically different idea about the ideal model.

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