Eighteenth Century - Neoclassicism

7 important questions on Eighteenth Century - Neoclassicism

What led to the birth of Neoclassicism in the second half of the 18th century?

  • A lot of painters started to view the Rococo as a visual sign of moral decline.
  • Critics bemoaned the fact that grandiose history paintings had disappeared at the French Academy.
  • Most important: the rediscovery of the ancient roman cities Herculaneum and Pompeii (1738 & 1748) renewed interest in the classical values of art and state.

Where can we see a clear departure from Rococo to Neoclassicism?

By 1775, the French Academy was routinely turning down Rococo submissions in favour of Neoclassical art (just as Madame de Barry was rejecting Fragonard's panel).

Who was Angelica Kauffman?

  • Angelica Kauffman (1741-1807) was a Swiss Neoclassical painter.
  • Her paintings show a very clear representation of virtuous behaviour and high moral conduct.
  • Helped found the new British Royal Academy.
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Who was Jean-Antoine Houdon?

  • Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741-1828) was a French portrait sculptor, unrivaled in his day.
  • He took precise measurements of his sitters, made a terra cotta model of them, let his assistants block the form in marble and then refined and polished the carving himself.
  • While showing his figures in contemporary attire, links his work to the classical past by using the antique contrapposto.
  • Even popular in America, made sculptures for the founding fathers, like George Washington.

What are the key aspects of Neoclassical Architecture and how does it differ from the former Baroque/Rococo Architecture?

  • Symmetry is maintained at all costs, even if it makes things within the home inconvenient.
  • Regularity, reason and logic dominate imaginative variation (contrast to the drama of Baroque/Rococo).
  • Walls are flat.
  • Decoration is relatively austere compared to Rococo interiors.

Who was Jane Austen?

  • Jane Austen (1775-1815) was one of the most important novelists of her day.
  • Her novels are social comedies about manners, good and bad, and reflect a delight in family life.
  • Most of her books are romantic and have marriage as their goal and end.
    • Austen shows romantic love, and did not believe good marriages could come from alliances built on social advantage.
  • Among her repertoire are: Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice.

What did Jane Austen (1775-1815) mean when she called herself a "miniaturist"?

She tried to capture realistic and intimate portraits of her characters and the time in which they lived.

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