20th century Modern Art - Interbellum - Surrealism

4 important questions on 20th century Modern Art - Interbellum - Surrealism

We can see a clear distinction between Dadaist manifestos and Surrealists manifestos. What is this distinction?

  • Surrealist manifestos were a lot more clear.
    • They really wanted to express where they stood for.
  • Dadaist manifestos were very vague.

What are characteristics of Surrealist works?

  • About dreams and unconscious desires.
    • Like Freud.
  • The Artist is seen as a liberator, who exposes these deep desires.
  • About individualism and the ego.
    • Deep unconscious desires are always about individuals.
  • They unleash the imagination.
  • Break free from the past. --> innovate.

What can you tell about Le Premier Manifeste du Surréalisme (1924)?

  • Written by André Breton (1896-1966).
  • First manifesto about Surrealism.
  • Breton suggests a technique to give imagination a chance: Écriture Automatique
    • Let you hand move and hope your lines form words.
    • Le Cadavre Exquis is an example of this technique.
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What can you tell about Surrealist sculpture?

  • Made out of essemblage, no real sculpting.
  • Made to mislead the viewer.
    • Decontextualization of objects.
    • Choose an object, but assemble it out of totally different materials.
      • Coffee mug out of deer skin.
  • Méret Oppenheim (1913-1985).
    • Female & very famous for Surrealist sculpture.

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