Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Secular Music

4 important questions on Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Secular Music

What is secular music?

  • Secular music is music that is not associated with religious meanings or ceremonies.
  • This became popular during the renaissance.

What can you tell about secular music in the Renaissance?

  • Became popular.
  • Was sung in vernacular, not Latin or Greek.
  • More for the educated and rich class.
  • Especially madrigals became popular.

Who was Thomas Weelkes?

  • Thomas Weelkes (1575-1623) was an English composer.
  • Famous for his madrigals.
  • Used a lot of word painting in his madrigals.
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Who was Thomas Morley?

  • Thomas Morley (1557-1603) was an English composer during the Renaissance.
  • Famous for his madrigals.
  • Favored homophonic texture.
  • Used nonsense syllables in his refrains like fa-la.

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