Supta Baddha Konasana - Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose/Opwaartse Plankhouding)

4 important questions on Supta Baddha Konasana - Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose/Opwaartse Plankhouding)

What is the English and Dutch name for Purvottanasana?

Upward Plank Pose or Inclined Plane and Opwaartse Plankhouding.

What are the benefits of Purvottanasana after regular practise in a steady and comfortable manner within a balanced yoga asana program?

  • Strengthens the core, shoulders, arms, wrists and hips and increases their flexibility, as well as develops balance and coordination.
  • Works as a counter-pose to seated forward bends and increases the effect of these poses by increasing blood flow to the stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen and pancreas.
  • Gives a gentle backbend to your entire spine, especially in the thoracic (borstkas) spine (chest-opener).
  • Tones arms, shoulders and wrists.

For what asana is Purvottanasana a counter pose?

For Paschimottanasana.
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What modifications are there for Purvottanasana?

  • If you have hyper-extended elbows, turn your fingertips toward your feet.
  • If releasing your head backward is too heavy on your neck, causes dizziness or is just not comfortable, you can look toward the ceiling.

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