An evidence-based causal model of panic disorder

19 important questions on An evidence-based causal model of panic disorder

What technique did Emile Coué pioneer for treating anxiety and panic attacks?

- Emile Coué pioneered positive thinking by focusing on positive ideas repeatedly.
- He suggested the mantra "Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better."

What was the aim of the hypercapnic breathing training?

- Aimed to teach patients to counteract hyperventilation.
- Targeted raising carbon dioxide levels.

What method did Johannes Schultz develop for inducing positive expectations?

- Johannes Schultz developed autogenic training using silent mantras and images.
- This method is aimed at inducing positive expectations to treat anxiety and panic attacks.
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What is one of the common factors in the diversity of effective treatments for psychological disorders, according to Roth (2010)?

- Psychological disorders treatments are complex and less well understood.
- Etiology can only partly validate psychological therapies.
- Falsifiable and non-falsifiable theories may lead to different treatment outcomes.

What outcomes were observed in the patients who received hypercapnic breathing training?

- Showed more improvement in measures like the Panic Disorder Severity Scale.
- Raised their carbon dioxide levels effectively.

What practice does Zen Buddhist meditation aim to foster to help manage expectations?

- Zen Buddhist meditation aims to foster a state of nonexpectancy.
- It involves a nonjudgmental attitude and focuses on the breath.

What did most studies on effective panic therapies involve, as described in the text?

- Random assignment of patients to treatment groups.
- Complete blinding of therapists and patients is challenging.
- Controlled comparisons served important roles in the studies.

What are the uncertainties regarding hypercapnic breathing training outside training sessions?

- Unclear how patients employ the skill outside of training sessions.

What is the common focus in Zen Buddhist and mindfulness meditation practices?

- The breath is the common focus in both Zen Buddhist and mindfulness meditation practices.
- This focus may displace an expectant mode of thinking.

According to the text, how does psychoanalytic psychotherapy compare to waiting group or muscle relaxation therapy in treating panic disorders?

- Psychoanalytic psychotherapy showed marked improvement over the waiting group.
- Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS) scores improved more with psychoanalytic treatment.
- The effectiveness and mechanisms of psychoanalytic treatments have been questioned.

How do the proposed rationales for hypocalcic and hypercapnic breathing training compare to other evidence?

- Proposed rationales do not appear to be valid based on other evidence.

What does the text suggest about therapies that include positive thinking and images for treating anxiety?

- The text argues that therapies using positive thinking and images deserve evaluation for treating anxiety and panic attacks.

What was compared in the study on reprocessing with eye-movement desensitization?

- Compared standard EMDR involving eye movements vs. fixed gaze or waiting list control group.

What were the initial and three-month outcomes of the EMDR study?

- Initial greater improvement for EMDR group.
- No difference after 3 months, questioning eye movements as key therapy component.

How did muscle relaxation compare to CBT for panic attacks?

- Both showed marked improvement lasting at least a year.
- Muscle relaxation's effect on panic anxiety not consistently shown.

What argument does the author make about muscle relaxation in panic attacks?

- Argues it may be an effect rather than cause of anxiety.
- Difficulty to verify its effectiveness as a standalone treatment.

What do the successful therapies for anxiety treatment have in common according to the summary?

- Found to be effective in reducing patients' anxiety levels.
- Share a common denominator in implicit therapists' rationales.

What is the common mechanism proposed for these therapies, and how might it work?

- Proposed mechanism is both placebo and not placebo.
- Changes immediate expectations, possibly overcoming panic attacks.

What ethical approach is suggested for moving forward with anxiety treatment therapies?

- Develop therapies without pseudoscientific rationales.
- Focus on positive expectations and practical techniques.

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