Arthorpods - Allergies

5 important questions on Arthorpods - Allergies

Biological mechanism behind allergies due to arthropods:

The saliva of arthropods contains chemical compounds causing immune response in host: anti-coagulant and vasodialators -> prevent clothing and cause widening of blood vessels

Treatment and prevention of allergic reactions by mosquito bites:

Prevention: repellents, bed nets
treatment: antihistamines

What is the scientific name of harvest mites and what are the properties?

  • larvae feed on human skin
  • found in forests, gras and woods 
  • cause allergic reaction
  • feed on skincells, not on blood
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What is the scientific name of poultry red mites and what do they cause + treatment:

Dermanyssus gallinae
enormous populations on farms
cause weak chickens and production problems
drugs: fribronil -> transferred to eggs, can be dangerous

Oak processionary caterpillar:

Larvae walk on ground to find oak trees
hairs contain chemicals toxic to humans -> severe allergies
after death of caterpillars, hairs remain toxic
asthma attacks, vomiting and skin rashes

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