Societal aspects: Avian influenza

6 important questions on Societal aspects: Avian influenza

Where does HCLD stand for?

Highly contageous livestock diseases

What are 3 main types of control measures for HClD?

  1. Stamping out affected farms and pre-emptive culling
  2. Transport standstill
  3. Vaccination: preventive (routine) vs control (when there is an outbreak)

Where does FMD stand for?

Food and mouth disease
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Where does HPAI stand for?

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

What are control strategies for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza?

  • Eu-minimum (find infected flocks and cull these)
  • pre-emptive culling
  • vaccination (preventative vs control measure)

Why is HPAI an multi-stakeholder and multi-impact issue?

Because HPAI affects different stakeholders and causes different impacts, which are weighted differently amongst the stakeholders

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