Societal aspects - Highly contageous livestock diseases (HCLD)

4 important questions on Societal aspects - Highly contageous livestock diseases (HCLD)

Impact difference between diseases and higly contagious livestock disease (HCLD) are caused by:

  • Veterinary versus economic and institutional context
  • type of impacts: aim and management of the disease
  • extent
  • distribution of impacts over stakeholders

Difference between production disease (endemic) and HCLD (epidemic):

Production disease (endemic)
  • primary cause of economic impact: disease agent
  • Main impact: decreased production/output
  • main aim: migration (optimum economic level of disease)

HCLD (epidemic, no vaccin -> extremely succeptible)
  • Primary cause of economic impact: loss of free status
  • Impacts: caused by measures to regain disease free status
  • Main aim: regain disease free status as soon as possible

What are 3 disease control measures?

  • Culling animals: destruction of commodities
  • Movement stand-still: stopping production -> drop in supply, no restocking, animal welfare problems
  • Vaccination: risk of change in consumer appreciation
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Financial impacts of disease (cost types):

  • Tariff-based expenditures: organization, transport
  • reduction of value of sources:
    • objective: destruction of commodities
    • subjective: perceived value
  • Reduced economic activity and over-capacity
  • Marker disruption
    • changes in supply, demand and prices

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