Biology of pathogens: Bacteria - Old microbial diseases

5 important questions on Biology of pathogens: Bacteria - Old microbial diseases

What are properties of cholera?

  • Diarrheal disease
  • caused by vibrio cholerae
  • very rapid disease progression
  • food and waterborne

What is the process behind diarrhea?

Toxin crosses membrane intestinal cell -> permanently activates G protein -> activated enzyme adenyl cyclase -> chloride channel -> large amounts of Cl, bicarbonate, Na and K secreted into lumen -> more osmotic pressure -> large amounts of water in lumen -> diarrhea and dehydration

What are the properties of the great plague (black death, bubonic plague)?

  • Spread by fleas, vector disease
  • yersinia pestis
  • in lymphatic system, later in blood stream
  • toxins
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What are the properties of leprosy?

  • Chronic ID caused by mycobacterium leprae
  • primarely affects skin, nerves and mucous membranes
  • contact disease, splash borne
  • incubation and treatment takes years -> multidrug therapy

What are the properties of tuberculosis?

  • Caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • asymphtomatic, latent TB infection is most common (existent but not yet developed)
  • airborne
  • resurgence (reappears)
  • treatment each 6-20 months

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