Biology of pathogens: Viruses

10 important questions on Biology of pathogens: Viruses

Examples of DNA viruses:

  • Pox
  • herpes
  • adeno
  • papilloma

Examples of RNA viruses:

  • Polio
  • HIV
  • influenza
  • corona
  • rabies
  • mumps

What factors cause general transmission?

  • Abiotic environmental factors (wind, water)
  • animal factors like mosquitoes and fleas
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What factors cause human to human transmission?

  • Direct contact (survival best in body)
  • indirect contact (survives hash environments)
  • dropelts (pathogens do not survive outside host)
  • airborne (pathogens are aerosolized)
  • fecal-oral route (through contaminated water/food)

West Nile Virus transmission:

  • 'Amplifier host' are birds, horses, humans are 'dead end' hosts.
  • likelihood that mosquitos bite birds is higher and they will have a higher concentration in the blood than horses or people.
  • Virus often goes away symptomless, in a few cases it escalates to west nile fever of west nile encephalitis (hersenontsteking)

West Nile Encephalitis:

  • Inflammation of the brain, CNS, often caused by viral infection
  • symptoms: fever, headache, vomiting, irritability

When was the new york outbreak of west nile fever? WNV


When was the resurgence (comeback) of WNV in the US and what caused it?

Wet spring, dry summer, small waterpools with mosquitos

What are the 5 strategies for developing a vaccine for WNV?

  1. Killed vaccine (only for horses)
  2. subunit vaccine (based on proteins)
  3. live attenuated strain (not succesful)
  4. chimeric virus (yellow fecer virus vaccine with replaced prM and E genes
  5. DNA vacccines

What is usuto virus and when was the outbreak?

Usuto virus is the little brother of WNV, has a higher infection rate. Outbreak in NL in 2016 (south-east of netherlands)

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