Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Qualitative design issues

5 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Qualitative design issues

What do we tend to use in qualitative research?

Language of cases and contexts and examine social processes and cases in their social context.

What happens when data collection and theorizing are interspersed?

Theoretical questions suggest future observations, so new data are tailored to answer theoretical questions that arise from thinking about previous data.

Why do we emphasize the social context for understanding thoughts and actions in qualitative studies?

Because the meaning of a social action or statement depends, in an important way, on the context in which it appears.
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How do you assign meaning to a study?

In a quantitative study, you assign meaning by rearranging, examining and discussing the numbers, but in a qualitative study, you give meaning by rearranging, examining and discussing textual or visual data.

Through which 3 stages moves the process of qualitative interpretation?

  1. First-order itnerpretation: This is the viewpoint of the people that are being studies, their inner motives, personal reasons and point of view.
  2. Second-order interpretation: This refers to the researcher's own viewpoint. Their perspective often brings a broader meaning to the specific data in contex.
  3. Third-order interpretation: this refers to the connections a researcher makes between the detailed understandings of specific people or events and abstract concepts, generalization, or theories used to analyze the data.

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