Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement - Parts of the measurement process - Quantitative conceptualization and operationalization

4 important questions on Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement - Parts of the measurement process - Quantitative conceptualization and operationalization

In what sequence does quantitative research measurements flow?

Conceptualization, operationalization, applying the operational definition or using it to measure as you collect.

What is a conceptual hypothesis?

When you want to examine the causal relationship between two abstract constructs at the most abstract level.

What is an empirical hypothesis?

A hypothesis to learn whether specific measures, or indicators, are associated at the level of operational definitions.
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What is the deductive path, the way in which measurement links abstract theory to empirical data?

Conceptualize a variable and assign it a clear conceptual definition, operationalize the variable (develop an operational definition for it), apply the operational definition in empirical reality or the concrete social world, test empirical hypotheses.

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