Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study

3 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study

What are three things that can help you learn the most effective type of study to persue for a topic or question?

  1. Reading studies that others have conducted on a topic.
  2. Grasping issues within qualitative and quantitative design.
  3. Understanding how to use research techniques as well as their strengths and limitations.

What are the 4 advantages of the internet?

  1. The internet is fast, easy, cheap, widely accessible and does not close.
  2. The internet has links that provide additional ways to find and connect many other sources of information.
  3. The internet speeds the flow of information around the globe and has a ''democratizing'' effect.
  4. The internet provides a very wide range of information sources, some in formats that are more dynamic and interesting.

What are 4 disadvantages of the internet?

  1. There is no quality control over what gets on the Internet.
  2. Many excellent sources and som of the most important resource materials for social research are not available on the internet.
  3. Finding sources on the internet can be very difficult and time consuming.
  4. Internet sources can be ''unstable'' and difficult to document.

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