Survey Research - Interviewing

6 important questions on Survey Research - Interviewing

What is an important problem for interviewers?

That respondents are often not familiar with the survey respondents' role.

What is the task of the interviewer?

They must obtain cooperation and build rapport, yet remain neutral and objective.

What are the stages of an interview?

It begins with an introduction and entry in which the interviewer gets in the door, shows authorization, and reassures and secures cooperation from the respondent.

The main part of the interview consists of asking questions and recording answers.

The last stage is the exit. This is when the interviewer thanks the respondent and leaves.
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What is essential for consistent high-quality performance?

Adequate pay and good supervision.

What is the task of supervisors?

They are familiar with the area, assist with problems, oversee the interviewers, and ensure that work is completed on time.

What do you need to do in order to reduce interviewer bias?

Note the race and gender of both interviewers and respondents.

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