Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Literature review

9 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Literature review

What are the 5 important functions of reading literature or studies published on a topic?

  1. The literature can help you narrow down a broad topic.
  2. The literature informs you about the ''state of knowledge'' on a topic.
  3. The literature can stimulate creativity and curiosity.
  4. You will develop skills to evaluate reports of studies and distinguish weak from strong reports.
  5. Grasp better the elements that go into conducting a research study.

What is a literature review?

A carefully crafted summary of the recent studies on a topic with key findings and research methods.

What do you need to begin a review?

Decide on a topic, the amount of depth to go into, and the kind of review to conduct.
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What are the 4 goals of literature review?

  1. To demonstrate a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility.
  2. To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it.
  3. To integrate and summarize what is known in an area.
  4. To learn from others and stimulate new ideas.

How do you design a search?

To set parameters of your search as you plan.

Where can you find research reports?

Articles in scholarly journals and in books.

Which two kinds of files for your note cards or computer documents may you wish to create?

A source file and a content file. Record all the bibliographic information for each source in the Source File, even though you may not use some and later erase them. Include the complete bibliographic citation, such as a page number or the name of a second author, or you will regret it later.

In which two files should you divide the source file?

A have file and a potential file. The “Have File” is for sources that you have found and on which you have content notes. The “Potential File” is for leads and possible new sources that you have yet to track down or read.

What are the requirements of a literature review?

Planning, a good, clear writing, which requires a lot of rewriting.

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