Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Qualitative and quantitative research orientations - Preplanned and emergent research questions

6 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Qualitative and quantitative research orientations - Preplanned and emergent research questions

How specific should a research question be?

Not too specific nor too general.

When does narrowing occur in a qualitative research question?

Narrowing or redirection in the focus occurs after you have begun to collect and consider data.

When does narrowing occur in a quantitative research question?

You will narrow a topic into a focused question as a discrete planning step before finalizing the study design.
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Research questions refer to the relationships among a small number of variables, what should you do with thosse variables?

Identify a limited number of variables and specify the relationship among them.

What are 4 techniques for narrowing down a topic into a research question?

  1. Examine the literature.
  2. Talk over ideas with others.
  3. Apply to specific context.
  4. Define the aim or desired outcom of the study.

What are some major limitations that will have impact on the design of the research?

Time, costs, access to resources, approval by authorities, ethical concers and expertise.

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