Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Literature review - Where to find research literature

6 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Literature review - Where to find research literature

What are the 4 types of periodicals?

■ Mass-market newspapers and magazines
written for the general public
■ Popularized social science magazines for
the educated public
■ Opinion magazines in which intellectuals
debate and express views
■ Scholarly, academic journals in which
researchers present the findings of studies

What is a citation?

The date, volume number, issue number and details like author, article title, and page numbers of a journal. It makes it easier to find an article.

What kind of studies usually appear in books?

Studies that involve detailed clinical or ethnographic descriptions and complex thoeretical or philosophical discussions.
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What are 3 types of books that contain collections of articles or research reports?

  1. Readers; for teaching purposes, include original research reports.
  2. Collection of studies for scholars; contains journal articles, original research or theoretical essays.
  3. Original research reports organized around a specialized topic.

What are governmental documents?

GOvernments of other nations, state- or provincial-level governments, the United Nations, and other international agencies such as the World Bank sponsor studies and publish research reports.

What are policy reports and presented papers?

Research institutes, think tanks, and policy centers sponsor studies and publish research reports.

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