Ethics in Social Research - Ethical issues involving research participants - Physical harm, psychological abuse and legal jeopardy

5 important questions on Ethics in Social Research - Ethical issues involving research participants - Physical harm, psychological abuse and legal jeopardy

What is the researchers moral and legal responsibility concerning physical harm?

To prevent injury due to participation in research and terminate a study immediately if physical safety of the participants cannot be guaranteed.

Which precautions should be taken when performing a study that induces great anciety or fear in research participants?

  • Consult with others who have conducted similar studies and mental health professionals when planning the study.
  • Screen out high-risk populations.
  • Obtain written informed consent before research.
  • Monitor conditions closely and arrange for emergency interventions or termination of the study if dangerous situations arise.
  • Debrief the people immediately afterward.

What are the rules for researchers concering stress?

Never create unnecesary stress or stress that lacks a very clear, legitimate research purpose.
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What can be a concequence for ethical researchers doing studies that place participants in anciety-producing situations?

It may produce personal discomfort for the ethical researcher.

Which ethical issue arises when we learn of illegal activity when collecting research data?

We must wight the value of protecting the researcher-subject relationship and the benefits to future studies against potential serious harm to innocent people.

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