Doing Social Research - How Science Works

6 important questions on Doing Social Research - How Science Works

How does science work?

Social research ebraces a scientific worldview and follows scientific processes to create and evaluate knowledge.

What is empirical evidence?

Observations that we experience through senses.

What is the scientific community?

A collection of people who practice science and a set of norms, behaviors and attitudes that bind them together.
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What is the core of a scientific community?

Researchers who conduct studies on a full-time or part-time basis, usually with the help of assistents.

How are journal articles in science formed?

  1. After a study, the researcher writes a detailed description of the study and the results as a researchs report or paper using a special format.
  2. The researcher sends several copies to the editor of a scholary journal.
  3. Reviewers evaluate the research anonymously based on its clarity, originality, standards of good research methods and advancing knowledge.
  4. The article can be published after it is being aproved by the scientific community. The researcher needs to pay for this.

How does a researcher get respect of the scientific community?

By publishing many articles in the foremost scholarly journals.

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