Theory and Social Research - The Three Major Approaches to Social Science - Positivist Approach

4 important questions on Theory and Social Research - The Three Major Approaches to Social Science - Positivist Approach

How sees positivsm social science research?

It assumes that social reality is comprised of objective facts.

What does replication state?

It states to verify knowledge, we should repeat studies and get identical or very similar findings with a second, third and additional replications.

What are the 5 possible reasons why replication fails?

  1. The initial study was an unusual fluke, or based on a misguided understanding of the world.
  2. Important conditions were present in the initial study, but we were unaware of their significance.
  3. The initial study, or the repeat of it, was sloppy, it lacked careful, precise measures and analysis.
  4. The initial study, or the repeat of it, was improperly conducted, we failed to follow the highest standards for procedures and techniques, or were not completely neutral and objective.
  5. The repeated study was a rare, unusual fluke.
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What are the characteristics of positivist researchers?

They advocate value-free science, seek precise quantitative measures, test causal theories with statistics, and believe in the importance of replicating studies.

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