Survey Research - Constructing the questionnaire - Types of questions and response categories

5 important questions on Survey Research - Constructing the questionnaire - Types of questions and response categories

What are the problems with threatening questions?

People who feel threatened are less likely to participate in surveys and if they do, to answer acurately. People also overreport positive behaviors or generally accepted beliefs.

Which techniques can you apply to ask threatening questions?

You can phrase the threatening question in an ''enhanced way'' by providing a contect that makes it easier for respondents to give honest answers. You can also embed a semi-theratening response within a set of more serious or threatening responses which makes it seem less deviant or unusual.

What is social desirability bias?

WHen respondents distort answers to make their reports conform to social norms.
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How can you reduce social desirability bias?

By phrasing questions in ways that make norm conformity or violation appear to be less objectionable and present with a wide range of behavior as acceptable.

How can you reduce knowledge questions?

Pilot-test questions to check that questions are at an appropriate level of difficulty and consider rewording knowledge questions so that respondents feel more comfortable saying they do not know the answer.

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