Of textbook B - weblectures quiz

12 important questions on Of textbook B - weblectures quiz

What is an input vector?

  • Y is the dependent variable, referred to as response or target.
  • independent variables are denotes as feature, input, or predictors.
  • you usually have a set of predictors, x1, x2, etc.
  • this set can be collectively referred to as the input vector. Which is a vector with all features in it.

  • Large X's are variables, while small x's are datapoints

How can you write the regression formula for three regressors?

  • F(x) = f(x1, x2, x3) = E(Y | X1 = x1, X2 = x2, X3 = x3)
  • this just means that f(x) returns the average of all Y's for which holds: X1 = x1, X2 = x2, X3 = x3

What is a problem with estimating f, and how is it solved?

  • Particulary in small datasets, it might be the case that we have no datapoints with X = x.
  • we thus cannot compute E(Y | X = x), the average of Y for X = x.
  • we can still compute f^(x) through the following:
  • f^(x) = Ave(Y | X ∊ N(x))
  • which means estimate f^(x) on the basis of neighbouring points.
  • this is called nearest neighbor averaging

it works best with small amount of variables and largish amount of datapoints.
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Why does nearest neighbor averaging not work for datasets with more variables?

  • If you want to include a specific proportion of the sample to find f^(x), let's say 10%;
  • you need a bigger radius to achieve this goal is you have a second variable compared to when you have one variable
  • the more dimensions, the further you have to look to find ten procent of the sample.
  • the further you have to look for neighbors, the less similar these neighbors are going to be which means less accurate predictions
  • this concept is called the curse of dimensionality

How can we solve the curse of dimensionality?

  • By adding more structure to our model; using a pre-specified formula, like the linear regression formula, we can predict Y for X = x without using nearest neighbor averaging.

What is meant by flexibility of a model/method?

  • Flexibility is the degree to which the model has freedom to fit to the data.
  • making our model the mean of y (so for every x value the predicted y value is it's mean) is not very flexible
  • a linear regression is slightly more flexible
  • a polynomial is even more flexible.
  • as models become more flexible they have the opportunity to fit to the data better, but they also have a larger tendency to overfit to trainingdata.

What is smoothing and how is K nearest Neighbor averaging an example of it?

  • Smoothing is the collective of methods of forming a model that work not by fitting a prespecified model, like a regression, to the data but specify prediction (points) based on what the data in that location indicates.
  • k nearest neighbor averaging forms a line through the data cloud by taking the average of the values of the k nearest neighbors around that point. Y^i is thus based on what the data around xi is like.

How does K nearest naighbor classifying work for qualitative y?

  • KNN classifying assigns individual cases to a class by looking at which classes the K nearest neighbors belong to.
  • Then it estimates the conditional probability for each class j as the proportion of class j members in the neighborhood.
  • it assigns the point to the class to which the highest amount of neighbors belong
  • dimension curse is also present here, similarly to in regression problems.

How is performance of a classification system assessed?

  • The performance of C^(x) is assessed by looking at the misclassification error rate:
  • Err te = Ave i ∊ te I [yi =! C^(xi)]
  • which states that the misclassification error rate is the average of instances in a test set where the predicted class did not match the actual class.

How can the dimension curse be solved for knn classifiers?

  • Again use structured models like support-vector machines.
  • also structured models for obtaining conditional class probabilities like logistic regression can be used.
  • the dimension curse is a bigger problem for modelling the probabilities compared to just classifying

What is the decision boundary?

The boundary where an observation is classified as class a on one side, and as class b on the other side.
in this case the black, or purple dotted line

How do the size of k (amount of neighbors evaluated) and the error rate relate?

  • In this figure, K becomes smaller towards the right side. The model thus becomes more flexible.
  • again we see that as the model becomes more flexible, training errors become smaller.
  • test errors however, benefit from a certain degree of flexibility but becoming more flexible after this optimum causes more test error since the model is overfitting to the training data.

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