Social influence - Attitudes, Behaviour, and Rationalaisation

6 important questions on Social influence - Attitudes, Behaviour, and Rationalaisation

What is response latency?

Method that assesses the time it takes a person to respond to an attitude question

When are implicit attitude measures used and what are examples?

In cases where people are unwilling or unable to report about what they really feel
  • Affective priming -> discovering unconscious attitudes
  • Implicit association test

Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory, what is it?

Inconsistency between behaviour/actions and thoughts/attitude causes an unpleasant physiological state (dissonance) that motivates people to reduce the inconsistency, this invloves arousal
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What is induced (forced) compliance?

Compelling people to behave in a manner that is inconsistent with their beliefs, attitudes or values to create dissonance and change their original views

What are 2 theories that describe the ways we respond to sources of discomfort?

  • System justification theory
  • Terror management theory (TMT)

What is terror management theory (TMT)?

Specifies processes people use to deal with the anxiety they feel regarding the knowledge about the inevitability of their own death

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