Nature, nurture and behavior - Equality
7 important questions on Nature, nurture and behavior - Equality
The nature of nurture/ gene-environment correlation.
Gene-environmnet correlation --> what seems to environmental effects can reflect genetic influence because these experiences are influenced by genetic differences among individuals.
We have a lot of factors that we cann environmental factors but in the end they are actually driven by genotypes of a particular person --> there is a correlation between the environmental factor and the genotype.
Passive gene-environment correlation
Passive Parents transmit their genes --> Children are genetically related to the parents.
Parents also create the environment for the children.
Creating a warm and positive by going to the beach for example. However raising children remains that you can't be friendly and warm all the time because you have to educate them --> Parenting
Testing passive rGE--> adoption study
Strongest design to study passive rGE
In nonadaptive families --> genetic component and the family environment that influence the children's trait.
In adaptive families --> Only the family environment influences the children's trait
The correlation between parental environment and the behavior of the child is stronger in biological children in comparison to adoption children. This is because in biological children there are two factors that contribute to the particular association.
Non adaptive family : Parental environment --> genes+ environment
Behavior of biological child --> genes + environment.
Adoptive family: PArental environment --> Environment
Behavior of biological child --> genes + environment.
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Parent is a nonsmoker and mz twin is smoker
The environmental risk of the child is ow.
If you don't know anything about the twin of the parent then the genetic risk would also be low
However you know that the mz twin of the parent is a smoker which gives you the information that also the parent has the genetic risk for smoking and thus the child also has a high genetic risk.
The fact that the parent does not smoke, does not mean that he she is not genetically sensitive to smoking. (So genetic high, environment low)
Parent i a nonsmoker and DZ twin is a smoker
The environmental risk of the child is low.
When the DZ twin of the parent is a smoker, this means that the genetic risk of the child will be intermediate because parent shares 50% of their genes with their DZ twin and from these 50% they will again pass on 50% to their child giving the child 12,5% of the high genetic risk.
Parent is a nonsmoker and twin is a ninsmoker
The environmental risk of the child is low, the genetic risk also low.
Testing evocative/Reactive rge
adoption children with high genetic rik for psychopathology evoke a different environment than children with a low risk.
Biological parents provide the genes to the child
The behavior of the adoptive parent is evoked by the behavior genotype of the child (In this situation they only share the environment with each other)
Example testing evocative / reactive rge
The adopted children with aggressive background who are at risk provoked more controlled behavior by the adoptive parents than the non risk children.
This is not limited to the parent-child setting but things like this happen in everyday life. The shape of your face evokes a certain response from the environment.
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