The Arts from ca. 1000 to 1400 CE (Romanesque and Gothic)

5 important questions on The Arts from ca. 1000 to 1400 CE (Romanesque and Gothic)

What does Mâle assume about medieval art?

That the medieval artists had a passion for order, numbers, doctrine and hierarchy and that there is a divine order behind everything and that it can all be explained by reading the Bible. 13th century art had its own rules and logic, and it could not be spontaneous.

Who, according to Mâle, comes up with the idea of a certain artwork and how does this differ from Kessler's idea?

A group of people, because one person only could never think up such an elaborate scheme/doctrine. Artists worked together with theologists and other religious figures. Kessler, however, adds to this that oftentimes, many different monks worked on one artwork.

What does Mâle say about the Legenda Aurea?

That it should not be assumed that this book is where artists got their ideas, because of them could NOT read. Only a small group of people could, and these were the advisors. Also, the Legenda Aurea and the obsession with saints does not say all that much about the spirit of the time: again, these were the ideas of a small group of people.
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Was medieval art idealistic according to Mâle?

No, not necessarily. It took the most wretched truths and made them radiant, not ideal.

Who was the function of the religious people in the creation of art?

Oftentimes, they functioned as advisors. However, some of them were painters or sculptors themselves. There was no division between secular and religious art; all artists created all kinds of art. Monks could also be artists, but they usually didn't do the most laborious jobs (like sculpting).

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