Christianity: Development, Spread and Further Impact on the Arts

8 important questions on Christianity: Development, Spread and Further Impact on the Arts

Why did Emperor Constantine the Great become a Christian according to legend?

Because, at the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, he had a vision of the cross and the message he needed to convey. After doing to, he won the battle.

Why was there a battle between the bishops in the fifth century?

Because it was believed that the Church needed to have one mouth, and the bishops all had a reason for wanting to be that mouth.
The bishop of Rome said that he should be the one, since he lived in the city of the Roman emperor.
The bishop of Rome said that he should be the one, as the saints Peter and Paul were martyred in his city. He was the one who was made Pope of the west.

Why was a Pope necessary?

Because there was no unity in the Empire of any kind. There needed to be one set of laws and one language for Bible teaching.
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Who created the first canon Bible?

Athanasius of Alexandria. The books he chose are still the ones used by the church today. Some books were missing in this version. Also, his "canon" consisted of several different languages.

Why was St. Hieronymus of Strigate a saint?

Because he was the first to translate the Bible (in 383) as chosen by Athanasius of Alexandria into Latin, and he called this translation the Vulgate.

What is the main problem with the Vulgate?

That there are some strange translations in there, like "horns" instead of "light rays" for Moses when he came down from Mount Sinaï.

What does Gilbert try to prove?

That there was a form of art theory during the Middle Ages. He concludes this by referring to Medieval sources. For example, Gregory I said that statues weren't necessarily bad, because they were the books for the illiterate, showed inspiring or horrifying deeds and functioned as a form of memorisation.
Another is that John from Damascus was the one who said that God created an image of himself in the form of Jesus, and that Christians were therefore allowed to do the same.

Why is Gilbert's art theory not really an art theory?

Because it explains what medieval art was supposed to do (inspire, teach, remind) and not how that was supposed to be executed.

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