Fogarty et al. - Should You Outsource Analytics

4 important questions on Fogarty et al. - Should You Outsource Analytics

Companies with superior data analytics capabilities have found ways to build long term advantages. Assembling analytics, however, is difficult. What are some of these difficulties, depicted in the Fogarty Paper?

  • Many companies lack the in-house knowledge and experience to put together an analytics team
  • The labor market for analytics professionals is very tight
Managers need to have a clear understanding for what they are looking for.

What is an advantage of offshoring in a rapidly changing market?

It allows organisations to increase flexibility by making fixed costs variable, which can boost other success factors.

How doe analytically challenged organisations see outsourcing of their data analytics capabilities?

  • See outsourcing as a quick and easy way to access analytic capability/skills
  • Generally, do not worry about Intellectual Property
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How doe analytically superior organisations usually see outsourcing?

  • See analytics as core competence
  • Are more hesitant to outsource analytics
  • Possibly outsourcing low-level analytics to free up internal analysts for more advanced analytics.

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