Cosic et al. (2015) A business analytics capability framework incl. appendix

10 important questions on Cosic et al. (2015) A business analytics capability framework incl. appendix

What is meant with Capabilities in the resource based view?

A capability is the ability to utilise resources in order to perform a certain task

How do Business analytics (BA) systems provide benefits to organisations?

By enabling improvements to business processes, firm performance and creating competitive advantage

What are some BA technologies mentioned in the paper?

  • Data warehousing
  • Reporting
  • Visualisation
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  • Forecasting
  • Predictive Modelling
  • Statistical Analysis
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What are the key elements for resources and capabilities to be a source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA)?

The resources and capabilities must be;
  • Valuable (enable an organisation to implement a value creating strategy)
  • Rare (in scarce supply)
  • Inimitable (cannot be copied by rivals)
  • Non-substitutable (cannot be countered by a rival with substitutes)

How has the resource based view impacted the Information Systems (IS) research?

It has been used to explain how IS capabilities and Information Technology (IT) resources lead to benefits, including organisational value, and SCA.

It makes the distincition between IT resources and other organisational resources.

What are the four capability areas and to what do these capability areas lead when examining the BACF of the paper of Cosic et al?

  1. Governance Capbility Area
  2. Culture Capability Area
  3. Technology Capability Area
  4. People Capability Area

What are the BA capabilities that comprise the Governance Capability Area?

  • Decision rights and Responsibilities
  • Strategic Alignment
  • Dynamic BA capabilities
  • Impact and Change Management  

What are the BA capabilities that comprise the Culture Capability Area?

  • Evidence Based Management
  • Embeddedness
  • Executive Leadership and Support
  • Communication  

What are the BA capabilities that comprise the Technology Capability Area?

  • Data Management
  • Systems Integration
  • Reporting BA Technology
  • Discovery BA Technology  

What are the BA capabilities that comprise the People Capability Area?

  • Technology Skills and Knowledge
  • Business Skills and Knowledge
  • Management Skills and Knowledge
  • Entrepreneurship Skills and Knowledge

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