Mijn lesaantekeningen - Big Data - Extending the Business Strategy - Woerner & Wixom

11 important questions on Mijn lesaantekeningen - Big Data - Extending the Business Strategy - Woerner & Wixom

How do the writers qualify the 'Big Data' label?

  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety
  • Veracity

Why does digitisation create challenges for most companies?

Because digitisation is often unevely distributed throughout the organisation, making it more difficult to simplify data, thus more difficult to derive insights

What are the novel ways in which big data supports the measurement and monitoring of strategy?

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  • New insight
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What is an example of how New Insight can improve the business model?

The SEC used big data to identify outliers to pinpoint what hedge fund outcomes needed further investigation.
The success came not from big data itself, but new apporaches.

How does 'New Action' contribute to business model improvement?

Companies can act faster and more wisely through insights based on big data.
For example, NBC Universal makes changes to their television programming in response to real time customer sentiment, in the past this would take weeks

What are the two approaches mentioned through which companies try and find ways to Innovate their business model?

Data Monetisation
Digital Transformation

What are the ways that companies are monetising data?

  • Selling (receiving money/legal tender in exchange for information offerings)
  • Bartering (Trading information for, eg tools, services, special deals)
  • Wrapping (wrapping information around other core products and services) 

What is an example of companies that use Bartering as Data Monetisation Technique?

Retailers bartering their point-of-sale data for demographics reports or industry benchmarks

What is an example of the data monetisation technique of 'Wrapping'?

Companies use wrapping to differentiate their product or service by fulfilling some informational need, making the product/service more attractive.
eg; UPS wraps to enhance package delivery

What is meant with 'Digital Transformation'?

When companies leverage digitisation to move into completely new industries or create new ones.

What is an example of digital transformation and the blurring of company boundaries due to big data?

Coles, the largest retailer in Australia, became one of the largest sellers of insurance in the country. They learned from their big data, and are now even applying for a banking license

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