Papers - Weber et al. - One Size Does Not Fit All

17 important questions on Papers - Weber et al. - One Size Does Not Fit All

What is meant with 'Governance' according to Weber et al.?

Governance refers to the way the organisation goes about ensuring that strategies are set, monitored, and achieved.

What is the definition of DQM (data quality management) according to Weber?

Quality oriented management of data as an asset, that is, the planning, provisioning, organisation, usage, and disposal of data that supports both decision-making and operational business processes, as well as the design of the approriate context, with the aim to improve data quality on a sustained basis.

What are the two generally accepted aspects that define data/information quality?

  1. Dependence of perceived quality of user's needs
  2. Fitness for use (ability to satisfy the requirements of the intended use in a specific situation)

These two aspects both embody the data quality attributes, aka data quality dimensions
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What are the data quality dimensions according to Weber et al.? (ACCTR)

  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Consistency
  • Relevancy
  • Timeliness  

How would you describe the Executive Sponsor, and provide an example of such a function.

Provides sponsorship, strategic direction, funding, advocacy, and oversight for DQM. E.G, CEO, CFO

How would you describe the Data Quality Board, and provide an example of such a function.

Defines the data governance framework for the whole enterprise and controls its implementation. E.G, Committee with business unit and IT leaders, as well as data stewards.

How would you describe the Chief Steward role, and provide an example of such a function.

Puts the board's decisions into practice, enforces the adoption of standards, helps establish DQ metrics and targets.
E.G, Senior Manager with data management background

How would you describe the Business/Technical Data Steward Role, and provide an example of such a function.

Business stewards details corporate-wide DQ standards and policies for their area of responsibility from business perspective.

Technical stewards provide standardised data element definitions and formats, profiles and explains source system details and data flows between systems.

e.g. Both are professionals from their respective departments

Describe the Strategy layer and provide examples of their tasks.

  • develop corporate data quality strategy incl strategic objectives
  • define a portfolio of strategic corporate quality initiatives
  • formulate the business case
  • carry out status qua assessment and establish review process

Describe the Organisation layer and provide examples of their tasks.

  • Determine metrics to measure corporate data quality
  • Define roles and responsiblities as well as staff roles
  • Identify and assign ownership of corporate data objects
  • Define data managment processes
  • Assign ownership for data management processes

Describe the Information Systems layer by providing examples of their tasks.

  • Identify corporate data objects
  • Develop definitions for corporate data objects
  • Establish a business data dictionary
  • Assign quality dimensions to corporate data objects
  • Define "data storage"
  • Establish a corporate data infrastructure
  • Define principles for distribution of corporate data between systems
  • Define the utilisation of cleansing methodologies and tools

What are the two design patterns that Weber distinguishes within the Organisational Structuring of DQM activities?

Centralised design vs Decentralised design.

A centralised design places all decision makign authority in a central IT department.
A decentralised design has distributed decision making accross individual business units/divisions.

What is a trait of the Centralised IT governance design?

It leads to greater control over IT standards and enables the realisation of economies of scale, while limiting the flexibility.

What is a trait of the Decentralised design of IT Governance?

It allows for greater responsiveness and flexiblity, providing customised solutions for each business unit

What are the two perspectives on the Coordination of Decision making for DQM activities?

A Hierarchical Design vs a Cooperative Design

What best describes the Hierachical Data Governance Design?

A top-down decision-making approach, either chief steward or the data quality board has decision making authority. The data quality board usually has few members, tasks are delegated to business and technical data stewards, they are not directly involved in decision making.

What best describes the Cooperative Data Governance Design?

Applies formal and informal coordination mechanisms to reach decisions. No single role makes decisions on its own.

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