Mijn lesaantekeningen - Data Driven Business Models - Hartmann et al

9 important questions on Mijn lesaantekeningen - Data Driven Business Models - Hartmann et al

Where in the matrix is Type A placed, and what does it entail?

Type A, free data collector and aggregator, is placed in the left bottom of the matrix. It creates value by collecting and aggregating data from a vast number of different, mostly free, available sources

What is the other distinctive key activity of the Type A cluster?

Data distribution, through an API or Web-based dashboard. Also data crawling and data visualisation.

What is Type B cluster from the Data Driven Business Models?

Analytics as a service, characterised by conducting analytics on data provided by their customers. Most companies provide descriptive analytics
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What is Type C cluster from the Data Driven Business Models?

Data generation and analysis, characterised by the fact that they generate data themselves rather than relying on existing data. All share the key activity of 'data generation', most of them also perform analytics on this data

What are the three subdivisions within the Type C cluster of Data Driven Business Models?

  1. Companies that generate data through crowdsourcing
  2. Web analytics companies
  3. Companies that generate data through smartphones or other physical sensors

Provide an example of a company operating in Type C cluster

Swarmly, a company that generates data through crowdsourcing (subdivision of Type C cluster) by providing a smartphone application that generates data if used, then the data is aggregated to provide a real time map of popular venues.

What are some examples of revenue models used by Data Driven companies?

  • Subscription Based
  • Usage-Fee Based
  • Advertising
  • Brokerage Fees

What is Type E cluster of the Data Driven Business Models?

Data aggregation as a service, characterised by creating value through aggregating data from multiple internal sources for their customers

What is Type F cluster of the Data Driven Business Models?

Multi-source data mash-up and analysis, contains companies that aggregate data provided by their customers with other external, mostly free, available data sources, and perform analytics on this data

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