Papers - Chaudhuri - An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology

4 important questions on Papers - Chaudhuri - An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology

What tasks do 'Data Mining, Text Analytic Engines' perform?

Data mining engines enable in depth analysis of data that goes beyond what OLAP servers offer, and provides the ability to build predictive models. (eg, which existing customers are likely to respond to my marketing)

Text analytics engines can analyse large amounts of text data (eg, survey responses), and extract valueable info from that (which products are mentioned in the survey responses)

What are 'Enterprise Search Engines'?

They support the keyword search paradigm over text and structured data in the warehouse. (eg, find email messages, documents, history of purchases)

What does a data warehouse integrate?

Pre-processed, well structured, problem specific data, thus reducing the time and costs of reporting
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What are the five characteristics of a data warehouse?

  1. Data Integration - you dont want to dump the data from multiple applications in a database; you need ETL (Extract Transform Load) tools to transform the data into a purposeful format
  2. Subject Orientation - looks at making decisions about customers, products, region, transaction. It is about putting data together, not only about what the company is currently doing.
  3. Historical Data - dead archival data is brought back to life for analysis purposes
  4. Non-volatility - mass loaded and geared towards bulk analytic access. It also contains snapshots of values from different moments.
  5. Time Dependency - time is a key structural element

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