Wixom et al. - An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehousing Success

6 important questions on Wixom et al. - An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehousing Success

What are the two findings that helped to adress organisational issues that arise during warehouse implementation?

  1. Management Support
  2. Resources.   

Why was the implementation factor 'Champion' not an influential factor when addressing organisational isssues when implementing warehousing?

Data warehousing appears to require broad based support from multiple sources.

A single warehouse champion may abandon the project at first sign of trouble and has limiting influence.

What were the factors studies that affected data warehousing succes?

  • Management Support
  • Resources
  • Champion (transformational leadership)
  • User participation
  • Team Skills
  • Source Systems
  • Development Technolgy  
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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What are the factors that increase the likelihood that warehousing projects will finish on-time, on budget and with the right functionality?

  1. Resources
  2. User participation
  3. Team Skills (highly skilled team members)

What factors increase (or decrease) the technical issues that project teams must overcome when implementing data warehouses?

  • Diverse unstandardised source systems
  • Poor development Technology

Or the opposite, limiting the technical issues would need:

  • Standardised source systems
  • Excelent development technologies     

What are the two critical succesfactors that al these implementation factors lead to?

Data Quality and System Quality

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