Papers - Tene et al. - Big Data for All_ Privacy and User Control in the Age of Analytic

5 important questions on Papers - Tene et al. - Big Data for All_ Privacy and User Control in the Age of Analytic

What are the big data privacy risks according to Tene et al?

  • Incremental Effect
  • Automated Decision Making
  • Predictive Analysis
  • Lack of Access and Exclusion
  • Ethics
  • Chilling Effect (people will behave differently when they know they are tracked)

What are the challenges related to the current legal frameworks for privacy?

  1. De-identification - over the past few years, computer scientists have shown that even anonymised data can be re-identified and associated with specific individuals
  2. Data minimizing - when considering the fate of data minimising, the principles of privacy laws must be balanced against societal values and economic efficiency
  3. Individual Control and Context

What are the two solutions, according to Tene et al, that can be realised while relaxing data minimisation and individual consent?

  1. Organisations should share the wealth created by individuals data with those individuals in usable formats.
  2. Organisations should reveal the criteria used in ther decision making process (TRANSPARENCY)
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How would 'sharing the wealth' work as a solution to the privacy risks, and where is this access most needed?

Most needed where de-identification is weak and the data could therefore provide tangible benefits to individuals. This could work through digital signatures and encrypted communication delivery channels.

What are some complexities one must take into account when choosing for the Solution; Transparency?

Legal and business Complexities regarding extended transparency and access:
  1. Indiviual Access to large databases with  zettabytes of De-identified data is unpractical.
  2. Direct online accessiblity to data = high costs and strong authentication
  3. Data security risks of leakage and unauthorised only gets bigger.
  4. Intellectual property and antitrust problems

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