Big data in Internet of Things

6 important questions on Big data in Internet of Things

What are the elements of IoT?

  1. Identification - unique identifier(ID)
  2. Sensing - e.g. Temperature sensors
  3. Communication - wireless or wired networks
  4. Computation - data processing
  5. Services - e.g. Data aggregation for collecting and summarizing raw sensing measurements
  6. Semantics - extract knowledge from raw data and provide required services

What is the difference between internet and internet of things?

  • Internet: you sense things and communicate this to another person via the internet.
  • IoT: a device senses something and communicates this via the internet to another device

What are the key challenges of IoT?

  • Reliability - proper working of the system.
  • Mobility - services for mobile users.
  • Scalability - increase the number of devices without negatively affecting performance.
  • Security and privacy - data protection.
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How can you evaluate the performance of IoT?

  • Processing speed
  • Storage
  • Communication (e.g robust, scalable, speed)
  • Cost
  • Maintenance (e.g size, power supply)

What is the architecture of IoT?

  1. Data layer: sensing, identification
  2. Network layer: communication
  3. Data processing layer: computation
  4. Application layer: services, semantics

What is a UML sequence diagram?

  • Unified Modeling Language.
  • A way to visualize a system.
  • Depicts interactions between objects in a sequential order, i.e the order they take place in (top to bottom).

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