Justice and health

4 important questions on Justice and health

Which basic principles of justice and health are applicable to Spanish citizens according to the Spanish Law?

  • Public health system as an essential characteristic of the Social Rule of Law (art. 1.1 Spanish Constitution.
  • Health - protection - principle of equal opportunities - justice.
  • Medicine advancements + disproportionate increase of health expenses.
  • Limited resources - rescue's theory.

Identify the elements of health Justice, justice, health and marked:

  • Justice = impartiality in the distribution of risks and benefits? (according to universal criteria and not following subjective preferences).

  • Health assistance as a special good for its public nature.

  • Market as criteria to distribute health resources.

Different alternatives to criteria for health justice:

  • Egalitarianism.
  • Utilitarianism.
  • Necessity to the threshold.

Describe utilitarianism in the benefits as an alternative criterion:

Spending health resources to obtain more years of life at a better quality of life.
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Different alternatives to criteria for health justice:

  • Egalitarianism.
  • Utilitarianism.
  • Necessity to the threshold.

Describe the necessity to the threshold as an alternative criterion:

The priority is to satisfy the maximum number of the maximum number of people.

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