Assisted human reproductive techniques

10 important questions on Assisted human reproductive techniques

Main Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART). Define three of the six types of ART:

  • Artificial insemination by spouse or donor.

  • In Vitro fertilisation (IVF).

  • Egg donation.

  • Surrogate motherhood.

  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

  • Pre-conception and pre-implantation diagnosis.

Define three debates around ART:

  • Coverage under the public health system.

  • Some ART not accepted: Artificial insemination by an anonymous donor and surrogate motherhood.

  • Sectors completely opposed to ART.

Define the three most important international legislation on ART:

  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

  • Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights (1998).

  • Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (1999).
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Define the most important Spanish ART laws:

  • Law 2006: Human assisted reproductive techniques.

  • Law 2007: biomedical investigation.

Describe the 2006 Law on ART:

  • Art. 3. Obligation to inform.

  • Information to both receipt woman and donors.

  • Biological, legal and ethical aspects. 

  • Transfer of a maximum of 3 embryos per reproductive cycle.

Describe Law 2006 on ART. 

  • Art 5. On Gametes (geslachtscellen) donation:

  • Donation + economic compensation.

  • Altruistic publicity by clinics.

  • Anonymous donation.

  • Requisites to be a donor.

  • Maximum of 6 live babies per donor.

Law 2006 ART. Who are the beneficiaries of ART?

  • Women over 18 years old.

  • Regardless of civil statues.

  • Case of a married woman.

Law 2006 ART.

  • Art. 9. Post-mortem insemination.

What does this law entail?

  • Use of reproductive material of the husband up to 12 months after his death.

  • Consent is a prerequisite.

Law 2006 ART.

  • art.10. Surrogacy.

Describe the law and the problems:

The law is a void contract.

  • Filtration determined by birth: "mater semper certa est".

  • Problems of filiation with babies conceived through surrogacy in other countries.

Law 2006 on ART,

  • art. 12 Pre-implantation diagnosis.

What is the aim?

  • To avoid severe and incurable postnatal inherited diseases.

  • Other aims:

  • Inform by the National Committee on Human Assisted Reproduction.

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