VII - Summary

4 important questions on VII - Summary

How can you summarize what a neuron consists of?

Neurons are the basic cell type that supports cognition, they form a densely interconnected network of connections. Axons send signals to other cells and dendrites receive signals

How can you summary how neurons code information?

Neurons code information in terms of a response rate.
They only respond in certain situations.

Summarize how neurons are grouped together?

Neurons are grouped together to form gray matter (cell bodies) and white matter (axons and other cells).

The cortical surface consists of a folded sheet of gray matter organised into two hemispheres.
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Summarize what the other set of gray metter is in the subcortex?

The other set of gray matter in the subcortex includes:
  • basal ganglia: for regulating movement
  • limbic system: for regulating emotion and memory
  • diencephalon: the thalamus as relay centre and the hypothalamus with hemostatic functions.   

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