Sexual life cycles and meiosis

6 important questions on Sexual life cycles and meiosis

How does the three main types (Animals, plants and some algae, most fungi and some protists)of sexual life cycles differ?

- animals are diploïd than with meiosis they are haploid and after fertilization they are diploid again.
- plant is diploid than with meiosis it is haploid than mitosis occur and they are haploid, then after fertilization they are diploid again and mitosis occur diploid.
- fungi zygote is diploid than meiosis occur and it is haploid, mitosis occur, and after fertilization the zygote is diploid.

What are the stages of Meiosis?

Meisosis I: homologs pair up and separate, resulting in two haploid daughter cells with repicated chromosomes.
Meisosis II: sister chromatids separate.

Which stages has meiosis I?

prophase I:centrosome movement, spindle formation, and nuclear envelope breakdown occur as in mitosis.
metaphase I: pairs of homologous chromosomes are arranged at the metaphase plate.
anaphase I: homologs chromosomes move toward opposite poles.
telophase and cytokinesis I: two haploid cells form; each chromosome still consists of two sister chromatids.
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Which stages has meiosis II?

prophase II: spindle apparatus forms
metaphase II: chromosomes are positioned at the metaphase
anaphase II: chromatid are separeted and move towards oppostite poles
telophase II and cytokines: nuclei forms (haploid daugther cells).

What causes genetic diversity?

mutation : create different version of genes (alleles).
reshuffling of alleles during sexual reporduction

Which three mechanisms contribute to genetic variation?

independent assortment of chromosomes
crossing over
random fertilization

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