Mendelian geneticslin

6 important questions on Mendelian geneticslin

What is the law of segregation?

mendels first law, stating that the two alleles in pair segregate (separate from each other) into different gametes during gamete formation.

How are dihybrids are produced?

crossing two true-breeding parents differing in two characters. (heterozygout of both characters F1).

What is tay-Sachs disease?

a dysfunctional enzyme causes an accumulation of lipids in the brain.
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What does quantitative variation usually indicates?

polygenic inheritance, an additive effect of two or more genes on a single phenotype.

When does a recessively inherited disorder shows up?

only in individuals that are homozygous for the allele.

What kind of test do we have for identifying disease carriers?

amniocentesis: amniotic fluid withdrwan after several weeks you can make a karyotyping.
chorionic villus smapling: part of the chorionic villi is taken out. several hours you can make a karyotyping.

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