Chemical Signals in Animals

12 important questions on Chemical Signals in Animals

In which two criteria are communication between animal cells via secreted signals classified?

type of secreting cell
route taken by the signal in reaching its target.

What classes of local regulators do we have?

cytokines and growth factors (polypeptides)
prostaglandins (modified fatty acid)
nitric oxid(gas functions in the body as both refulator or neutrontransmitter)

Which classes of hormones do we have?

steroid hormone,
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What is the cellular response pathway of a water soluble hormone?

hormones out the cell by exocytosis, travel freely in bloodstream, recognize receptor protein membrane.

What is the cellular response pathway of a lipid soluble hormone?

diffuse through the plasma membrane, bind to transport protein in the blood vessel, diffuse into target cell, recognize receptor protein in the nucleus.

What two basic types of hormone secretion do we have?

simple endocrine pathway and simple neuroendocrine pathway

What is simple endocrine pathway?

endocrine cells respond directly to an internal or environmental stimulus by secreting a particular hormone. hormone travels in the bloodstream to target cells, where it interacts with it specific receptors. signal transduction whitin target cells brings about a physiological response.

What is simple neuroendocrine pathway?

stimilus is received by a sensory neuron, which stimulates a neurosecretory cell, the cell secrete a neurohormone, which diffuses into the bloodstream and travels to target cell.

What is negative feedback?

response reduces the initial stimilus

What is positive feedback?

reinforces a stimulus, leading to an even greater response.

How does insulin reduces blood glucose levels?

promoting the cellular uptake of glucose
slowing glycogen breakdown in the liver
promoting fat storage, not breakdown

How does glucagon increase blood glucose level?

stimulating conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver
stimulating breakdown of fat and protein and conversion into glucose (gluconeogenese).

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