Drug administration routes and pharmaceutical dosage forms

20 important questions on Drug administration routes and pharmaceutical dosage forms

Wat is de volgorde voor geneesmiddelenontwikkeling?

  1. Bekijken van het mechanisme van de ziekte
  2. drug discovery
  3. characterisation
  4. formulation
  5. drug use

What to do with acute pain?

Use a drug with a rapid effect, heavy pain relief (for example at an accident). Een voorbeeld als drug is, intravenously morphine

What to do with chronic pain?

A drug with an effect that must last for a long time. Patient ontinually uses pain relief, patient friendliness, patient compliance
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Where is biopharmaceutics (biofarmacie) leading for?

The design of the dosage form and the administration route

What types of action do you have?

  • Systemic: API reaches its site of action via the blood stream. Het geneesmiddel moet via de bloedbaan de plaats van werking bereiken.
  • Local: API is administered at the site where it should act. Het geneesmiddel wordt aangebracht op de plaats waar het moet werken.

What are the differences between pharm. Availability and bioavailability?

Pharm. Availability: disintegration and dissolution. Bioavailability: absorption, first pass metabolism, transport to site of action (blood stream).

First pass effect:

You can lose some of your drugs due to the first pass effect. Enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract start already with degrading the API before it will be absorbed by the body. So no 100% bioavailability. You can solve this with parenteral, sublingual, pulmonary, nasal, dermal or rectal administration instead of oral. Oral : bioavail. < pharm. Avail.

The different administration routes are:

Rectal: suppository, enema
vaginal: pessary
parenteral: injection
pulmonary: aerosol
nasal: drop
auricular: drop
orucular: drop

What are the advantages of using excipients?

  • Facilitate production
  • improve quality of the product
  • optimise performance of the product
  • increase patient acceptability and complaince

What are the functions of excipients?

  • Filler
  • Basis
  • Viscosity enhancer
  • Emulsifier
  • Preservative (conserveermiddel)
  • flavouring agent
  • colouring agent

What are the administration routes for a systemic effect?

  • Oral (by mouth)
  • Rectal (by anus)
  • Parenteral (by injection)

What are the administration routes for a local effect?

  • Eye
  • Ear
  • Nose
  • Mouth and throat
  • Skin
  • Lungs
  • Anus, rectum
  • Vagina
  • Bladder (blaas)

What is the scheme of products that are ingested by mouth?

  • Swallow
  • Absorption via gastro-intestinal tract
  • For systemic effect

How does oromucosal preperations work?

First it has a local effect. Preperations are putted in the mouth, they stick to the mucosa (slijm) of the mouth. Drug compound is then liberated.

Where depend the pharmaceutical availability, rate of absorption and bioavailability on?

The design and formulation of the dosage form: tablet/capsule should disintegrate. You can higher the disintergation chance with adding hydrophilic excipients, therefore you improve the wetting of API. API should dissolve.

API is exposed to various conditions:

PH, residence time, digestive and metabolising enzymes

What kind of membrane is the gastrointestinal membrane?

Lipohilic membrane

What is the pH partition theory?

Als je een zwak zuur in water doet dat een beetje basisch is, H+ gaat weg en je zwak zuur API krijgt een - lading. Als een zwakke API base in een zuur milieu komt, wordt het + geladen. When API is charged, it will be hydrophilic and notttt lipophilic anymore. So crossing lipid membranes as a hydrophilic API is too difficult. API must be uncharged to cross lipid membranes

Solutions for weak basis and weak acids to cross lipid membranes?

  • API weak base -> it is uncharged at 2 pH units above pKa
  • API is weak acid -> it is uncharged at 2 pH units below pKa

pKa= 50% charged and 50% uncharged

Where is the duration in a plasma-time curve?

How long you stay in the therpeutic range, will determine the duration of effects takes. Aan hand van de duration kan je vaststellen hoe vaak het tablet moet worden ingenomen.

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